Sports Medicine/ Athletic Injuries
Individuals who participate in athletics may encounter a variety of injuries in their sport. Those who are injured are encouraged to seek Dr. Ward’s help to get them back on their feet again.

X-Ray & Fracture Care
We have an in-house x-ray machine that will allow us to check injuries without an expensive trip to the hospital. Dr. Ward can diagnose the extent of the injury and provide treatment options.

Laceration Repair
When a sharp object cuts the skin causing a jagged, dirty and bleeding wound, it is known as a laceration. Severe lacerations that are ¼ inch deep or more exposes internal tissues and may cause an unsightly scar. Lacerations of this severity should be seen by Dr. Ward.

Joint & Trigger Point Injections
Patients who suffer from severe pain either in a joint, like a knee, or in a “knotted muscle” like the upper back, may find relief from a joint or trigger point injection. Dr. Ward will analyze the effected area and determine treatment options.

Ingrown toenail
An ingrown toenail is a painful condition in which the corner or side of a toenail grows into the soft tissue. There are precautionary ways to prevent infection and discomfort but if pain persists, Dr. Ward may trim or remove the toenail to treat the condition.